Free USDINR Tips|Stock Futures Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips : 08.08.2019
Today's Equity Cash Tips
Short Techm SB 670.8 SL 675.8 Target 665.8 / 660.8 / 655.8 (Book)
Short LICHSGFIN SB 490 SL 494 Target 486 / 482 / 478 (T1)
Buy Axisbank SA 651 SL 645 Target 657 / 663 / 669 (T1)
Short Indiab SB 195.8 SL 198.8 Target 192.8 / 189.8 / 186.8 (Slt)
Today's Delivery Cash Tips
Swing Trade (1-15 Days ) Buy Adaniports SA 380 SL 370 Target 390 / 400 / 410
Delivery : Buy ITC SA 259 SL 249 Target 269 / 279 / 289
Today's Stock Futures Tips
Short HDFC Fut SB 2171 SL 2190 Target 2152 / 2133 / 2114(Book)
Short Asianpaint Fut SB 1551 SL 1569 Target 1533 / 1515 / 1497(Book)
Buy HDFCBANK Fut SA 2208 SL 2196 Target 2220 / 2232 / 2244(T1)
Buy Nifty Fut SA 10932 SL 10845 Target 11019 / 11106 / 11193(T1)
Buy Bajajfinsv Fut SA 7252 SL 7180 Target 7324 / 7396 / 7468(T1)
Today's Stock Options Tips
Positional Call Option STRIKE 2220 : Buy HDFCBANK(CE) Sa 36.5 SL 19.0 Target 54.0 / 71.5 / 89.1(Book)
Positional Call Option STRIKE 1140 : Buy Reliance(CE) Sa 32 SL 19.5 Target 44.5 / 57.0 / 69.4(T1)
Positional Call Option STRIKE 7500 : Buy BAJAJFINSV(CE) Sa 83 SL 43.2 Target 122.8 / 162.7 / 202.5
Today's Index Options Tips
Call Option STRIKE 10950 : Buy NIFTY(14 Aug)Ce Sa 75 SL 52.5 Target 97.5 / 120.0 / 142.5(T3)
Call Option STRIKE 28200 : Buy BankNifty(14 Aug)CE Sa 115 SL 49.5 Target 180.6 / 246.1 / 311.7 (T2)
Today Currency Futures Tips
Short USDINR Sb 70.89 SL 70.97 Target 70.81 / 70.73 / 70.65 (Book)
Short GBPINR Sb 86.32 SL 86.44 Target 86.20 / 86.08 / 85.96 (Book)
Buy EURINR SA 79.73 SL 79.65 Target 79.81 / 79.89 / 79.97(Book)
Short USDINR Sb 70.93 SL 71.01 Target 70.85 / 70.77 / 70.69 (T3)
Short EURINR Sb 79.55 SL 79.75 Target 79.35 / 79.15 / 78.95(T3)
Positional : Short GBPINR Sb 86.14 SL 86.54 Target 85.74 / 85.34 / 84.94 (Book)
Short JPYINR Sb 66.85 SL 67.05 Target 66.65 / 66.45 / 66.25(T1)
Today 's MCX Commodity Futures Tips
Buy Crudeoil SA 3735 SL 3714 Target. 3756 / 3777 / 3798(Book)
Short Nickel(Aug) Sb 1110.0 SL 1117.0 Target 1103.0 / 1096.0 / 1089.0(T3)
Short Copper SB 442.3 SL 445.3 Target. 439.3 / 436.3 / 433.3 (Book)
Short Silverm SB 43460 SL 43700 Target. 43220 / 42980 / 42740(T1)
Short Crudeoil SB 3719 SL 3740 Target. 3698 / 3677 / 3656(T1)
Short Leadmini SB 153.2 SL 154.7 Target. 151.7 / 150.2 / 148.7 (Book)
Todays ICEX Diamond Tips (
Buy STEELLONG (Sep) SA 25640 SL 25500 Target 25780 / 25920 / 26060(T1)
Buy RUBBER (Sep) SA 13860 SL 13790 Target 13930 / 14000 / 14070(Book)
Sell Diamond (1CT-Sep) SB 3544 SL 3550 Target 3538 / 3532 / 3526 (T1)
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Free Stock Futures Tips|USDINR Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips
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